Finish | Polished Nickel |
Metal | Brass, Cast Iron |
We offer a spellbinding range of door knockers. We manufacture more than 20 designs of door knockers in various finishes. Our door knockers are nicely made which not only look great but they produce a nice striking sound when knocked. This doctor’s door knocker is a heavy duty solid product. We offer it in black, polished brass, polished nickel and polished chrome finishes.
Height 195 MM, Width 65 MM, Projection from the door 110 MM, Fixing centers 120 MM.
Finish | Polished Nickel |
Metal | Brass, Cast Iron |
Now this is a resplendent door knocker ! Heavy, solid and beautiful. The decorative handle is hinged to an equally decorative plate at the top. This gives a good movement and thereby an excellent knock. Made in the classical victorian design, this door knocker is your perfect piece.
Size 240 MM X 80 MM, Projection 60 MM.
We offer a spellbinding range of door knockers. We manufacture more than 20 designs of door knockers in various finishes. Our door knockers are nicely made which not only look great but they produce a nice striking sound when knocked. This doctor’s door knocker is a heavy duty solid product. We offer it in black, polished brass, polished nickel and polished chrome finishes.
Height 195 MM, Width 65 MM, Projection from the door 110 MM, Fixing centers 120 MM.
This solid victorian loop door knocker is for narrow center door panels. Its long slim body enables a long movement of the loop to strike to the striking plate with good force.
Size 186 MM X 62 MM
A great product for your front door. Very carefully made, this door knocker provides an enchanting look to your door. With an open diamond front, the twisted scroll strikes on a nicely decorated plate.
Size 230 MM X 70 MM, Projection 55 MM.
A beautiful piece. A flock of grapes formed to a door knocker. This is available in polished brass, black, polished chrome and polished nickel finish.
Size 166 MM X 117 MM
A conventional design of evergreen taste. We manufacture this door knocker in solid cast iron, solid brass and solid bronze. Supplied as a set with necessary fixing screws.
Ring 104 MM, Striking plate 51 MM.
We offer a spellbinding range of door knockers. We manufacture more than 20 designs of door knockers in various finishes. These nicely made pieces not only look great but they produce a nice striking sound when knocked. This doctor’s door knocker is a heavy duty solid product. We offer it in black, polished brass, polished nickel and polished chrome finishes.
Height 195 MM, Width 65 MM, Projection from the door 110 MM, Fixing centers 120 MM. Striking plate dia 50 MM and projects 14 MM.
A classic product for your door. Famously known as number 10 downing street door knocker. We have been successfully able to recreate this age old enthralling product from the original pattern. Always symbolized a welcoming product for your door, this knocker is all time hit.
Size 230 MM X 120 MM, Projection 50 MM
If you have a question about any products on the site plz contact us.